Good practice guide: How to comply with the EU animal by-products regulations
Good Practice Guide: How to Comply with the EU Animal By-Products Regulations at Composing and Anaerobic Digestion Plants
European Compost Network ECN e.V.,
The Animal By-Product Regulation (ABPR) is a comprehensive piece of European legislation, covering all aspects relating to the collection, treatment, storage and use of animal by-products (ABPs). It was initially brought into force in 2002 (as EC 1774/2002), and has since been revised. The 2009 Regulation (EC No 1069/2009) lays down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption, and is accompanied by the implementing Regulation (EU) 142/2011 (ABP-IR). Unfortunately there is no individual section covering all aspects of composing or treatment in anaerobic digestion plants within the Regulation, therefore the respective requirements are often hard to find and understand. Consequently, interpretation and implementation of the Regulation varies considerably between Member States (MS).
This Guide is aimed at plant operators, consultants, providers of technology and authorities, providing information and guidance. It does not cover the ABPR in detail; however it sets out the key provisions required at composing and anaerobic digestion plants, describing how the Regulation can be proportionately and accurately implemented. The intention of this Guide is to make it easier to comprehend the structure and content of the specific obligations. It also sets out possible relaxations and exemptions for the processing of ABPs in compos0ng and anaerobic diges0on plants, without increasing risks to animal or public health or the environment. Details of some of the ways in which selected Member States have implemented the ABPR for compos0ng and anaerobic diges0on and to what extent they have made use of the possibility to apply national rules for certain animal by-products, are detailed in the appendices.