Gaseous biofuels activities

About the Bioenergy Association

The Bioenergy Association has members throughout the New Zealand, Australian and South Pacific bioenergy industry and is the only bioenergy-specific member association in New Zealand.

We have three operational work streams:

Each work stream has its own Interest Group Steering Committee to which every member can have a representative according to their membership level.

We provide assistance and a wealth of bioenergy information to support members' business and promote their expertise and capabilities in the relevant bioenergy sectors.  Information is available for  potential investors, policy makers and regulators.

The Association is a collective of people who believe that by working as a group we can make more progress than by acting individually. Members also avoid having to each pay for information which is of common value.

Membership fees go into a pooled fund of money to undertake activities to grow the solid biofuels sector and develop best practice standards. If you want to work with others to ensure that bioenergy solutions contribute to a sustainable future you should join the Association. (Income for association activities is only from membership although from time to time we receive funding for specific projects)

In addition, by working collectively we have a bigger voice for the sector and putting a strong case for bioenergy and biofuels. As a member of the collective you shape the messages and the actions to make bioenergy and biofuels relevant.

Bioenergy Association membership is open to anyone with a commercial interest in bioenergy.  Our members include land and forestry owners, wood processors, feedstock suppliers, fuel and energy suppliers, equipment supplies, manufacturers, consultants, contractors, energy researchers, educators, regulators and investors.

We undertake:

  • Advocacy to central and local government, potential investors, communities and regulators on bioenergy related policy, and opportunities.
  • We establish and publish best practice guides
  • Host dissemination of information through our Bioflash Newsletter, webinars, and the Bioenergy Knowledge Centre.
  • We provide confidential support to members to assist their business make more money.
  • We assist potential investors in bioenergy based solutions to assess technologies, market opportunities and market risks.
  • We liaise with Government and other sector entities to ensure that policy supports the interests of our members.
  • We support members' business and promote their expertise and capabilities in the New Zealand, Australian and South Pacific bioenergy sectors.

Members of the Bioenergy Association are welcome to discuss any bioenergy or biofuels matter on a confidential basis with the brian.cox [at] (Executive Officer). The Executive Officer is independent and has a wealth of sector knowledge and experience which members can tap into for free.


The Bioenergy Association is an incorporated society controlled by its members. levels of membership are:

  • Platinum
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Bronze
  • Student/individual

Information on membership is available here.

Partners (Gaseous biofuels sector)

Gaseous Biofuels Interest Group (BIG)

Bioenergy Association activities in the waste to energy and gaseous biofuels areas are lead by the Gaseous Biofuels Interest Group (BIG) which is working to ensure biogas and biomethane becomes a sustainable alternative to natural gas, there is a biomass derived renewable LPG (rLPG) to replace fossil fuel derived LPG, and that the industry develops efficient, safe and socially and environmentally acceptable practices for all aspects of recycling waste to produce energy. The interest Group's members include anyone with a commercial interest in the recycling of waste into energy (biogas) and biofertiliser, including consultants and advisors, equipment suppliers and plant design engineers, facility owners and operators and researchers.

Major projects undertaken by the BIG is the revision of the New Zealand standard for farm scale biogas production to bring it up-to-date with more recent regulations and practices, certification of biofertiliser derived from digestate and advocacy for a renewable gas mandate. Within the Association wood energy activities are specifically managed by the Solid Biofuels Interest Group. The Liquid Biofuels and Co-products Interest Group has responsibility for liquid biofuel activities and activities contributing to the emerging bioeconomy.

The relevant staff of a member company who are interested in the gaseous biofuels sector are automatically a member of the Gaseous Biofuels Interest Group. The Group activities are managed by a BIG Steering Group which is made up of those Interest Group members who wish to have a say in policy development, advocacy, and best practice guidance. (The Steering Group is where the action is so if you want to influence policy development, advocacy and best practice then members should participate in this group). The members of the BIG Steering group meet by video link every second month. A newsletter and summary of gaseous biofuel activities is provided to the full Gaseous Biofuels Interest Group at least quarterly.

BIG Update

The Biogas Interest Group (BIG) is currently revising and updating the Waste-to-Energy via Biogas Strategy which was developed in 2010.

The revised Strategy will be based on scenarios for the next few years that were developed for the 2016 "Yes We Can!" Symposium and currently being updated. These scenarios set out what GHG mitigation could be achieved by increased collection and processing of methane from waste water treatment plant and landfills. ;Works has also been undertaken on the development of a new Plan of Action for the gaseous biofuels sector and recommendations on policies and support which Government could provide which would make a difference to the speed of growth in the reduction of methane discharge. The information is included in Information Sheet 31: GHG reduction using biogas technologies.

brian.cox [at] (Contact the Executive Officer) if you would be to be involved in development of the Waste-to-Energy via Biogas Strategy and are not on the Biogas Interest Group Committee list.

The revised Waste-to-Energy via Biogas Strategy will be included in the options being put to Government.


Pacific waste-to-energy Working Group

Interested in waste-to-energy in the Pacific? If you are a consultant or from a Pacific Island country, a member of the Bioenergy Association, and interested in sharing knowledge and experiences then the Working Group is a place for networking and sharing, while developing collective waste to energy activities. If you wish to join the Working Group or obtain further information contact executive [at]


  • Gaseous Biofuels Interest Group Convenor
    alzbeta.bouskova [at] (Email: Alzbeta Bouskova)
  • Executive Officer
    Brian.cox [at] (Email: Brian Cox)