Bay of Plenty organic waste options study

a report for Environment Bay of Plenty, by Eunomia Research & Consulting Ltd, April 2010

Environment Bay of Plenty (EBoP), Tauranga City Council (TCC) and Western Bay of Plenty p;District Council (WBoPDC) engaged Eunomia Research & Consulting Ltd (Eunomia) and Waste Not Consulting Ltd (Waste Not) to undertake a study into the options for organic waste management in the Bay of Plenty region.

EBoP and TCC are keen to reduce waste to landfill and have identified organic waste as a key waste stream in achieving this goal. A previous study undertaken in 20071 identified organic wastes as the fraction that offered the greatest scope for improving resource recovery in the region.

This report builds on the 2007 study to further improve understanding of organic waste volumes, sources, processing options and potential end uses in the Bay of Plenty. The outcomes are intended to facilitate the uptake of commercial opportunities that will improve recovery of organic wastes.

Other issues that may influence the management of organic wastes will be covered, such as existing collection and processing providers and current projects focusing on organic waste processing within both the private and public sectors.

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