Report: Biogas production potential from municipal wastewater treatment facilities

Report of an investigation for Bioenergy Association of the waste-to-energy opportunities within New Zealand by Calibre, April 2018

This report describes opportunities to successfully

  1. Apply sustainable organic waste management practices and derive wastewater treatment cost savings in the process,
  2. Produce renewable (non-fossil) fuel (biogas) for heat and power generation,
  3. Attract new “zero carbon” manufacturing business activity and new jobs into NZ regions,
  4. Assist local businesses to meet their environmental compliance at lowest possible costs,
  5. Create new “zero carbon” business (employment) opportunities for new regional economic growth
  6. Produce in the process tradeable carbon certificates (greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction),
  7. Collect new revenue streams for local authorities which partially offset current asset operating costs,
  8. Increase waste water treatment plant energy efficiencies (energy cost are a major operating costs)
  9. Reduce waste water treatment plant biosolids (sludge) dewatering costs (another major operating cost)
  10. Reduce wastewater biosolids (sludge) disposal costs (another major operating cost)
  11. Improve the stabilisation grade and value of treatment plant sludge to allow unrestricted beneficial re-use.

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