IEA Bioenergy: Task 33 - Thermal gasification of biogas


The objectives of Task 33 are to monitor, review and exchange information on biomass gasification research, development, and demonstration and to promote cooperation among the participating countries and industry to eliminate technological impediments to the advancement of thermal gasification of biomass. The ultimate objective is to promote commercialisation of efficient, economical, and environmentally preferable biomass gasification processes, for the production of electricity, heat, and steam, for the production of synthesis gas for subsequent conversion to chemicals, fertilisers, hydrogen and transportation fuels, and also for co-production of these products.  Participating countries: Austria, Denmark, Germany, Italy,  the Netherlands,  Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and USA

Gasification explained

Gasification is a complete thermal breakdown of the biomass particles into a combustible gas, volatiles and ash in an enclosed reactor (gasifier) in the presence of any externally supplied oxidizing agent (air, O2, H2O, CO2, etc.) when equivalent ratio (ER) is < 1. ER = 1 if the stoichiometric amount of oxidising agent is present. Stoichiometric amount is the theoretical amount of air or any other oxidizing agent required to burn the fuel completely.  Read more here.
